Well it's been a half a century and it seems like it's flown by. 2020 was such an unprecedented year; a blur really - with some pretty awful events but also some great things too.
Here is my list of 50 things I've done in 2020 - thanks calendar, social media and email for helping me remember LOL
1) I accomplished my 3 top goals for 2020 - collaboration, communication and to give value - and had a lot of fun doing it!
2) I officially started back at one of my original gyms teaching aquafit and indoor cycling. I was an original employee at this gym when it opened in the late 90s and it was great to be welcomed back so warmly.
3) I upped my social media game and created a Twitter account. Still learning to how to make the most use of it but it's entertaining to say the least!
4) I was a major hype girl for my baby sister and her Netflix show - Astronomy Club! The Sketch Show. So funny!!
5) As part of my goal of collaboration, I renewed my WIFA (The Women in Fitness Association) membership for a second year. Love this organization and being in on it early on. Mark my words WIFA is going to become huge in the fitness industry.
6) I also worked on promoting at home workouts using the Beachbody On Demand (BOD). I created a Facebook Group and reviewed workouts monthly off the App.
7) Worked with several businesses and organizations on providing online classes to their communities.
8) Became proficient in Zoom and learned to use and promote classes on ZIN Studio. Used Microsoft Teams and Google Classroom too. Not bad for not being of the tech generation;).
9) Built my own personal offering of online classes and created a library on my Youtube channel which had been sitting dormant for years.
10) Set up a home fitness and work space and actually used it. Have had equipment for years and used them to go practice and prepare for my gym classes but this time I added personal workouts to the mix and it helped huge when we returned to the gym after the first shutdown. If I hadn't kept moving I would've been a sore and tired mess lol.
11) Ramped up my podcast with an episode a month minimum during the first shutdown (yay) then slowed it down when everything re-opened (boo) but it's starting up again with the second shutdown (yay? lol).
12) Enhanced my fitness music library through personal subscriptions to Yesfitness Music and Spotify. Took webinars on music licensing and copyright compliance which may not sound that exciting but it was a great refresher for me having not been in the administrative side of fitness for the last year and a half.
13) Participated several classes, webinars, continuing education courses and even international conferences. Many were free, some at discounted cost, all were virtual and all were priceless in my growth as a fitness professional.
14) April of 2020 I published my book, How to be Fit for Life. Could write forever about it but you can check it out and let me know what you think;). Life changing moment for me.
15) I was a test/trial instructor for Fit Stream Live, a Michigan based multimedia company.
16) May 7 I created a Tik Tok account. Originally for entertainment, it's now become a huge part in promoting my brand, keeping me creative and allowing me to have engagement that I don't get on my other socials.
17) I observed #blackouttuesday and started sharing my stories of racism online.
18) I led Zumba for my local university during orientation week ... in a mask. That was interesting and hot lol. I also did virtual Zumba for a highschool class on Microsoft Teams. Different but good.
19) I became a certified LifeStretch Instructor from the the Stretch to Win Institute. This program is usually only run in person (Arizona) but of course due to the circumstances it was totally online and it was awesome!
20) I used the unplug meditation App. Free for a year through my part-time retail job. Listened to meditations on break and found it really helpful to return to task, rejuvenated.
21) Attempted journalling with a 52 week planner. Didn't do it lol but since it hasn't been used I'm going to try again for 2021! Let you know how it turns out lol.
22) Spent and continue to spend a ton of time with my only grandbaby. She turned 5 in 2020 and has been so much fun.
23) I became a WIFA Ambassador for Canada in July. An honour to be asked, I teared up I'm not going to lie lol. This organization was a huge part of my mental health when I left my fitness administration job. I felt like I had no team or tribe anymore and I remembered I had WIFA and started to use the resources more.
24) I grew some long distance relationships with fellow fitness friends into friendships that are part of my daily life personally and professionally. Several are running their own online fitness programs and I have presented a variety of topics to their clients/participants.
25) I beefed up my Pinterest page with personal content which is a huge deal since my boards had always been other creators' pins. My favourite board still is my cooking one as I hate cooking and the irony is that I save hundreds of pins and make 5% of them myself lol.
26) Added two more businesses to my side hustle of social media management - IG, FB and Twitter posts, direct message engagement and executing campaigns. Love learning and growing.
27) Along with Tik Tok and becoming a hip Nana, I resurrected my Snapchat account. Now we have Filter Fridays which we post online and are a huge hit with our friends and family.
28) Did a lot of writing which I love to do - case in point my book. Wrote articles on LinkedIn and posts to my blog like this one. Then of course re-opening slowed things down but it is definitely a priority for my personal and professional health.
29) I struggled with my doTERRA business. Like I said in my introduction, things in 2020 were not all puppies and cupcakes. Not being able to do in person classes, open houses and wellness consultations really took a toll on my ability to education and get natural products into homes.
30) Took my 10th Standard First Aid - CPR with AED course in my 30+ years in the fitness industry. One every 3 years is over and above the 30 annual CPR with AED courses necessary to keep some of my certifications and licenses active.
31) Another sad but good thing was being a part of my good friend's rebranding and ultimate closure of her 10 year brick and mortar fitness business. I joined her in 2018 and now it's just the two of us left. I took on the marketing and social media management for the new brand and updated the website. 2021 is going to be awesome as the brand received funding for a small business grant. When one door closes, another opens they say!
32) I grew in my role in my office this year. Going back to the medical field as a TechCA (Chiropractic Assistant, Technician) November 2019 was scary as I had such negative experiences when I left 20 yrs before but the universe blessed me with my current employer. At the office I get to use all of my fitness and health experience PLUS assist in office management and administration and bookkeeping. Doesn't sound glamorous lol but I'm basically a triple threat there and it really has boosted my morale which is all I've ever wanted in a workplace. Oh and I get to do social media management there too!
33) I used Facebook to contribute to youth programs as I wasn't able to volunteer for any in-person events due to the shutdowns. Every year around November for over 10 yrs I've volunteered as an instructor to fundraise and this year I couldn't. Ran a fundraiser online for my birthday for Youth Mental Health.
34) I took time off of listening to podcasts and dived into Audiobooks. I listen before bed and have been falling asleep earlier, getting more sleep and able to get up early without pain or discomfort.
35) I got to see my youngest son, now 23 yrs old, be successful on his own, finish getting his drivers license and get his own car.
36) Started a mini - series April on my podcast called #fitfamilyliterally which was a ton of fun to do! Got to talk to all of my distant fitness friends, catch up and hear some hilarious stories of being related or in relationships and teaching fitness together.
37) My granddaughter moved from a day bed to a twin bed with railing to a double bed all in 2020. Oh and she lost her first tooth a few days ago!
38) I had a serious oral infection and had to have a root canal and crown in February. Got to use my doTERRA for pain management and I documented it online.
39) Helping with my granddaughter's remote school learning has been crazy! Crazy fun and crazy exhausting. I have always had the utmost respect for teachers and this experience has only strengthened that lol. I've also regained my love of colouring and crafts or rather projects.
40) I've also gotten back into following the Canada's Food Guide and eating healthier because of menu planning for my granddaughter.
41) Boosting my immunity and staying regular with my vitamins and adjustments have been a priority for me. I'm blessed to have access to natural products and methods for this.
42) I've grown a slight appreciation to nature lol. I'm not an outdoors person but I also understand the benefits of connecting with nature for mental health. Daily walks and scheduled outdoor time for my granddaughter forced me to embrace the break from work and then I tend to return more productive.
43) I didn't realize how much I actually missed using Excel (lol yeah I said it) until 2020. I used it heavily for 4 years before leaving my last administrative position then took a year off with the occasional GoogleSheets use for timesheets. Now I'm back using it and loving that the tricks and tips I learned are coming back to me. I even took some online refresher courses and enjoyed them! Look out 2021 Excel I'm coming for ya!
44) In addition to audiobooks I pretty much stopped watching cable tv and streamed entertainment. I got a Netflix and Disney+ subscription and used my Amazon Prime Video service more. Getting an Apple TV from my retail job helped too.
45) I created a Facebook page for my book, How to be Fit for Life.
46) I improved my skills at email campaigns on MailChimp in terms of creating newsletters. Still don't know a ton about the platform but my newsletters look great now compared to when I first started the year lol.
47) I also really got into graphic design apps like Canva and Photoroom, and video editing apps like inshot, Capcut and Vita. 2021 I'm going all in with basic Adobe Photoshop as I already use the Express version on my mobile for quick lighting and filter effects on the go.
48) I became the first official LifeStretch Instructor for my fitpro friend's massage therapy business.
49) I updated my aquafit credentials and became certified with WaterinMotion. It was totally online and it was great! Having been a course conductor for land and water fitness instructors I found the course to be comprehensive and well run. Can't wait to get back to the pool and teach again!
50) The biggest thing I did in 2020 was to put myself out there ... alot. I have no problem with being at the front or on stage in-person but I've always hated how I come across on screen. 2020 I said screw that and documented everything and it's been great. Well and filters didn't hurt the process either lol.

Thanks for being a part of my journey of sharing by subscribing to my blog.
I appreciate you!